Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Bio v1.31 1990, Peter Heinrich This program is ShareWare, so please don't sell it. $1 will register you. Don't be fooled: Any author who asks for $10 or $15 (or more) is writing commercial software, NOT shareware. If the author thinks it's worth that much to me, (s)he's got a fat head . Impatient? Go play with the program now! This is just background and details. Hit the HELP key for help if you really need it. Just So You Know Let me say at the first that I, as a programmer and sincere em- piricist, believe not one iota that biorhythm curves ACTUALLY predict anything, and intend only that this program serve as mild diversion for less ostentatiously object persons. Mindful of this, and convinced may I be that any perceived correlation between daily experiences and high, low, or critical periods predicted by biorhythms has, at its root, causes purely psychosomatic in nature; yet have I faithfully executed the fundamental theory of biorhythms to insure "accuracy." Devoted believers would expect no less. What Are Biorhythms? The theory is simple: Certain internal rhythms influence us and our behavior. Parallels have been drawn to cell respiration, bird mi- gration, and the feeding patterns of oysters. For humans, there are said to be three major cycles which may or may not be physiologically based: Physical (23 days), Emotional (28 days), and Intellectual (33 days). At birth, all three start at a baseline zero and begin an upward or positive phase. After that, they don't cross through the same point again for 58 years, 66 days. When a cycle crosses below the baseline, it is said to be low, and the day when it actually is zero is said to be critical. According to students of the "science of biorhythm," we are constantly being affected by the current state of the three cycles. The Program Bio makes it easy to plot and print your personal biorhythms, as well as those for anyone else you know, provided you remember their explanatory . birthday. Once the program is running, you will find it fairly self- To plot your biorhythms, enter your birthday in the appro- priate box and click "Plot." The format is standard American -- that is, Month/Day/Year. Please type the entire year; 10/12/38 is NOT when Aunt Blanche was born ( I hope!). It should be 10/12/1938. The small arrows in the corner of the grid (you'll see them when you get there) move the start date forward or backward, respectively. The number of days moved can be selected from the menu. Don't forget to click "Plot" afterward. Using Bio you can also gauge the compatibility of two people based on their biorhythms. A separate number is generated for each cycle, representing nothing more than the percentage of the time both people are in the same phase. For example, suppose Kathy and Kevin score 65% on the Emotional cycle. Then 65% of the time, Kathy and Kevin are either both high, both low, or both critical simultaneously. year to year . The scores are constant; that is, they don't change week to week or Printing the biorhythms is easy if you have a graphics-compatible printer . Click "Print." If you need to abort the print, click "Quit." Note: My printer likes to be turned off and back on after aborted print jobs, because it has a data buffer that messes up subsequent printouts otherwise. Please ... Redistribute this program freely! Of course, please don't sell it. Report any bugs or comments to PHEINRICH2 on GEnie, or contact me at Peter Heinrich P.O. Box 3405, Eugene, OR 97403 Have fun!